Best Selling Author
Unleashing Imagination, One Book at a Time
"The initial murders are shocking, and the presence of an unknown entity lurking under a popular park is wonderfully disturbing." "Hints of a promising Hitchcockian thriller." ~ Kirkus Reviews
The terror of the unknown lurks within the depths of every soul, but Esker possesses a unique power to awaken your deepest fears. With a chilling prowess, Esker unveils the malevolent specters that dwell in the blinding light of day, shattering the illusion of safety and plunging you into a realm of unrelenting horror.
Was it merely a harmless woodland creature lurking within the depths of the forest, or did the sinister rustling emanating from the nearby bushes hide a far more wicked presence?
Could it be that this seemingly innocent little league baseball game holds a sinister secret? How could such an innocent event turn into a nightmarish ordeal that engulfs a peaceful coastal town in New England?